Equipment to Run Tank
For those that are interested in all the ins and outs of what I have used to set up and run the tank here is a comprehensive list:
- bubble wall air curtain with air pump
- 800Lph internal UV filter
- Kambrook power outboard 5 way individual shutter KD5A
- Kambrook electronic timer 8 switches a day LCD KET99
- Seachem Matrix BioMedia
- Eheim Quick Vac Pro
- Tree roots aquarium background poster
- Jager Eheim 250 Watt aquarium heater
- Aqua One Nautilus 2700 canister filter
- Black Earth Aqualab substrate
- Up Aqua shrimp sand
- 6FT double T5 4 x 39W high output aquarium light
- Hygrophilia Sunset
- Ludwigia Glandulosa
- Crypt Balansae
- Hairgrass
- Echinodorus Ozelot Red
- Echinodorus Red Flame
- Lace Fern
- Scarlet Ludwigia
- Rotala Rotundifolia
- Bacopa Floribunda
- Anubius Emerald Heart
- Aponogeton Crispus
- Red Tiger Lotus
- Crypt Wendtii Mi Oya
- Corkscrew Vallisneria
- Marble Queen Echinodorus
- Microsorium Java Fern
- Narrow Amazon Sword
- A couple Malaysian driftwood pieces with Anubias Nana attached
- Several large gold vine driftwood pieces
Plants and Driftwood :
I keep the tank at 28-29 degrees Celsius, pH is approximately 6.6-6.8, I change approximately 100 litres of water every 3-4 days. I currently have the following stocking in the tank :
- 8 discus - red turquoise, blue turquoise, red spotted turquoise, white swan, marlboro red, cobalt, red melon and snow leopard
- 8 corydoras sterbai (+ 4 fry)
- 2 peppermint bristlenoses
- L168 clown pleco
- 2 siamese algae eaters
- several cherry shrimps
- 2 pearl gouramis
- 10 pristella tetras
- 6 rummynose tetras
- 4 clown loaches
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